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Resilience Immersion Training Oregon

  • Alton Collins Retrat Center Eagle Creek, Oregon USA (map)

Train skills to thrive

Resiliency skills training grounded in science and practice

Mindfulness is a category of mind training that explores the three different modes of attention and trains them to enhance new forms of concentration, self-awareness, and situational awareness to enhance all cognitive, emotion regulation, tactical, and interpersonal skills. This training is an examination into the science and experience of mindfulness as it relates to resilience, warrior-humanitarian ethos, and human performance optimization. These skills provide the foundation to thrive through adversity and trauma and the wisdom to understand strategies for recovery, pliability and striving toward sustained post-traumatic growth.

Experiential & instructional

This is an intensive introduction to the science of the mind and cognitive conditioning through mindfulness meditation and mindful movement. Opportunities for experiential practice through guided and individual meditations and mindful movement are supported with lectures/discussions throughout each training day.

This event is open to professionals in high reliability occupations, and their partners. 

Tuition: $835-  covers food, lodging for 2 nights, and instruction. 

(Instruction Fee: $445 Food, Lodging, Food & Training Supplies $390)

Co-facilitated by Richard Goerling and Brian Shiers